My last blog post, Tributing Miss Kayla: A Primer, was written with the intention of giving some of you prospective boys a clearer understanding of what tribute is, why you do it, and how to do it. If you’ve ever had your initial conversation with Me online go sour and result in your being blocked (all within the span of 5-7 minutes), chances it was because you approached Me empty-handed (without tribute) yet your hand was OUT to receive…to receive My precious time, My attention, and My divine Black dominance.
Do you know who else typically approaches people with their hands out to receive? Beggars. I do not equate submissives & worshipers with beggars, just as you should not equate Me with the Salvation Army.
However, since I posted My last blog, one of you boys has stepped out from the shadows of irrelevance and into the light of My acknowledgment….

…and its not even My birthday…;)
The other day, I was approached online by a sub with a leather fetish, an interest in financial domination, and a desire to make My acquaintance. After a brief chat, this boy was able to ascertain that My current leather wardrobe does not include a nice tight pair of leather pants.
What move did he make next, after seeing that there was an opportunity for him to step up and prove himself?
Wait for it….wait for it…..
……………he asked for the privilege of paying Me tribute to cover the cost of a pair of leather pants that I like and want, showing that he had an interest in adding to My collection of leather clothing.
This boy has now separated himself from the pack and he has My attention. He now has the opportunity to get to to know Me and explore the possibilities of servitude under Me. He was willing to make a sacrifice for Me and look at what he has now gained.
I did not need to tell him to tribute Me. I did not tell him what to tribute Me. He knew what he needed to do, and he did it. Flawless interaction between Myself and a boy who desires to serve Me.
This is a perfect example of how you boys should act when you approach Me! This boy gets it!
Do not think that this boy tithed Me simply because he has an interest in submitting to an Ebony financial domme or an interest in findom in general…..and don’t think that because you may not have a fetish for financial domination, that paying tribute doesn’t apply. That would be incorrect, as paying tribute is not something specific to financial domination. Any good boy who wants to make himself known to an Ebony Goddess like as Myself, should be begging for the chance to pay tribute to a Goddess he worships & adores.